Sziget Festival - Budapest
The Sziget festival was held in Budapest and is a music concert that runs for 7 days. It is the largest in Europe and we happened to be there while it was happening. People camp out for the entire time so you can imagine the nastiness of some of the people, bathrooms, bars, etc. It was fantastic.

This is Marianne with our two English friends that we met at the hostel, Dave and Neil. They were both students on break before their last year of school. I took this picture right when we got there.
We were walking around the festival watching some of the other bands on the smaller stages when we came across the cardboard cut outs. This is Neil, Marianne, and myself.

Prior to Franz Ferdinand, the band we were waiting to see, we had shots of a Hungarian liquor call Unicum. The guys had tried it a few nights prior and insisted that we taste it as well. I don't know what bet we lost but it can only be described as a foul shot of Jager with a minty aftertaste that just won't quit. I only did one.

Dave spilled his shot of Unicum and house rules indicated that he had to lick it off the table. This was the fifth day of the concert mind you, and I don't think they scrub down those wooden tables everyday or ever...

Marianne, Neil and Big Dave. Please note that almost every picture I have of Big Dave he is winking
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