Traditional Irish Jam Session

Alfie, Marie (Emma's mother) and myself at Slattery's Irish pub for the "jam" session.
Near the end of the night Alfie had me toasting everyone with, "Ay, The paddys are fucking great" It seems as though most everyone got a kick out of it because they had me repeat it about 50 times.

Tom (Emma's father) and Christopher (Emma's youngest brother)

This was one of the highlights to our trip to Ireland. Once a week or so these people meet up at the pub to play. The night we were there consisted of 3 accordians, 2 guitars, a banjo, a violin, a piano, and bohran (traditional Irish drum see below). It was incredible. They played all kinds of music and occasionally stopped for an older gentleman to sing a tune before the hushed crowd. Never in my life have I seen something this cool.

A bohran, the traditional Irish drum, it is played with either your hand or a small double sided drum stick.

They gave me a go on the bohran after I had finished playing a pint glass with a coin. I wasn't nearly as good of course but it was a lot of fun to play.
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