Dresden, Germany
When it rains it pours...

It rained the ENTIRE time we were in Dresden, Germany. I'm not sure if you can tell just how drenched we were in this picture but I was soaked to the bone. We were determined to see a bit of the city so we went out in the down pour.

Here Marianne is being a bit grumpy. At this point we hadn't eaten and we couldn't find the tourist information office that someone had tried to point out to us. After taking cover under an overhang I cheered her up by making her listen to Elton John's "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" and "Tiny Dancer" on the ipod. I also did a little jig. Whatever it takes...

Finally, we stopped in a restaurant for a little refreshment and to try and dry off. I took this picture to show the water that was dripping down my nose, forehead and eyelashes. It didn't come out all that well but I figured I'd put it up on the page because I was making a stupid face.

This is a picture of one of the museums that we didn't go into. We were looking for the Modern Masters Museum only to find out that it was closed that particular day.

After trying to make it into the Modern Masters Museum we somehow made it into a student art exhibit. It was more than a little bizarre but at least it gave us cover from the rain. This is one of the exhibits. It involved a construction paper pillar and some yarn. Who knows what the point was to this one?