Saturday, October 08, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Florence, Italy Part Two

A few very cool churches

A moment of prayer for the loved ones we have lost.

Florence, Italy
After our week of relaxation in Capri we had to part ways with Rania. She needed to get to her Aunt's house in Austria and then home to Texas. We tried to convince her to come with us to Florence but the "real world" was calling to her and she had to get back to the States.

The famous Ponte Vecchio bridge. Our hostel was a quick walk from here and across the river from downtown. Not a bad location considering we hadn't gotten a recommendation from anyone on where to stay.

Crystal and I are standing on the Ponte Vecchio. Our first day of sightseeing had only just begun. Please notice that she is not carrying her crutches, that week off really helped her to heal!

Sorry my cynicism is coming out. I should've put a padlock on it with Bella and my name on it. A solid relationship with my dog that isn't going anywhere.

The best panini shop ever. So simple, so perfect.

If there were ever a reason to visit Florence it shouldn't be for the Duomo or Ponte Vecchio. It should be for this gelato shop. Vivoli Gelatoria. I think they might actually put addictive substances in their gelato because it shouldn't be THAT good.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Pompeii Ruins
We took a day trip to see the ruins of Pompeii. This was kind of an adventure all on its own: bus ride, ferry ride, bus ride, train ride, and then we walked to the ruins. Now reverse.
The following are some of the pictures from the former city. It was all very interesting and I would suggest a visit if you are ever in Southern Italy.
On a side note: I didn't have a picture of the building but there was a brothel in the town as well. I guess that really is the oldest profession.